
Middle States Accreditation 2023

The final Self-study report is ready for your review

Thank you to our community for your feedback on the Self-study report. The final report has been submitted and is available for your review.


在日历上做标记! The MSCHE visit team will be here from Sunday, April 23 through Wednesday April 26th. 

student walking on campus

金沙js6038 most recently received renewal of our accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) in 2013. Occurring every 10 years, we are scheduled for reaffirmation this spring. The Middle States visit team will be on campus from April 23 - 26.

Preparation for reaffirmation began in the fall of 2020 with 总统 Jasken’s appointment of a Middle States Steering Committee to lead the self-study process and the formation of eight workgroups. The committee and workgroups comprise faculty, 工作人员, 领导, and members of the Board of Trustees.

As part of the self-study, McDaniel is charged to consider its educational programs, 政策, 和服务, and evaluate how effectively we meet the seven standards set forth by the commission. The self-study is a reflective process for the college to determine how well these programs 和服务 accomplish strategic plan goals and priorities as we work to fulfill our mission.

We are doing all of this in the spirit of continuous improvement to ensure we are meeting the expectations of MSCHE and the U.S. Department of Education, as well as those of our students, families, alumni, and community.

This website has been developed as a resource for all of McDaniel’s constituents as we move through the MSCHE accreditation process.

Purpose of Accreditation

Middle State Commission on Higher Education is McDaniel’s accrediting body. Accreditation is a voluntary review process that demonstrates that we are providing an excellent education in accordance with our mission. Maintaining accreditation is necessary for institutions to gain access to Title IV federal financial aid funding. It can also be a factor for students who are seeking acceptance to graduate school, various credentialing exams and professional licensure, and employment opportunities.

MSCHE requires members to complete a self-study process every eight years, concluding in a site visit by a team of higher education peers.

MSCHE Statement on the Purpose of Accreditation

“The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), 通过认证, mandates that its member institutions meet rigorous and comprehensive standards, which are addressed in the context of the mission of each institution and within the culture of ethical practices and institutional integrity expected of accredited institutions. In meeting the quality standards of MSCHE accreditation, institutions earn accredited status, and this permits them to state with confidence: “Our students are well-served; society is well-served.”
Middle States Commission on Higher Education

What You Need to Know About the Self-Study and Visit

现场参观时间表: April 23-26

The visit will take place from Sunday, April 23 through Wednesday, April 26th.

The entire college community will be provided detailed information about the opportunities to participate in the visit. Other meetings with key constituent groups will also be scheduled. Invitations will be sent directly to those invited to participate in various group meetings.

View the 现场参观时间表. This schedule will be updated as rooms are confirmed.


Dr. 达雷尔·P·惠勒
SUNY College at New Paltz
Dr. Laura Elizabeth Chisholm
Executive Director of Grants and Foundation Relations
Dr. 帕特丽夏懦夫
Library Assessment and Instruction Coordinator, Andrew L. Bouwhuis图书馆
Dr. 塔季扬娜Dumova
Dr. 艾米·格雷奇·霍伊尔
Dean, School of Education & 人类服务
Dr. 玛丽E. Leichliter-Krause
Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness
Dr. 科瑞娜N. Slaff
Associate Professor - tenured
Maryland Higher Education Commission


Our Self-study is ready for your review and feedback.

Middle States Draft Self-Study 

Middle States Summary of Findings  

Relevant Institutional Documents